Monday, January 04, 2010

Aham Brahmasmi and Aham Adamasmi

Aham Brahmasmi and Aham Adamasmi
(I am God and I am Adam, the first man)

When Christians and Muslims hear the Upanishadic Mahavakya “Aham Brahmasmi”-“I am God”, they frown at it as a heathen-blasphemous expression. In fact it is difficult to convince the Abrahamics that Hindu dharma proposes no pot making type of creations, but strictly holds on to the projection theory; every thing is existed (not created) and the existed(created) whole is just projected.

Sri Vivekananda observes:

This universe is not created by any extra cosmic God nor is it the work of any outside genius. The universe is self creating, self dissolving, self manifesting, one infinite existence, the Brahman.
Swamiji further says:
“Here is the word “shrishti” which expresses the universe. Mark that word does not mean creation. “Shrishti”means projection….At the end of a cycle, everything becomes finer and finer and is resolved back into the primal state from which it sprang. And there it remains for a time, quiescent, ready to spring forth again. This is SHRISTI, the PROJECTION.”

Aham Brahmasmi and Jesus

In truth, Jesus who had the sprinkling of Vedic essence, made an attempt to elevate his own Jewish people to the mental plane of Aham Brahmasmi. He taught them Aham Brahmasmi with a Jewish touch: I am in my Father and you in me and I in you. Unfortunately he tasted unpredictable failure; the Jews turned down his utterance a grave blasphemy.

The Four Upanishad Maha vakyas unfamiliar to Abrahamics

There is an inter connectivity and interwoven ness between all the existing or projected creations (consciousness). According to Upanishad this consciousness is:

 Aham Brahmasmi- I am that Supreme Being, I
 Ta tvamasi- You Are That
 Prajnanam Bramha- wisdom(cosciousness) is God
 Ayamathma Brahma- this Atman( in individual self )and Brahman (God as the Supreme Self) are one.

This is the one CONSCIOUSNESS that has been scattered through different projections (creations). Consciousness is not a matter that vary in size or packed with different levels of power. The ant, the rat, rabbit, the goat, the cow, the elephant, and the Whale have the same consciousness despite their varying masses and muscle power. A big ship is driven by a small man and all the same a small bicycle is also driven by the same human being.

Aham Adamasmi

In fact the creation (projection) of Adam itself is a relevant example to illustrate the concept of Aham Brahmasmi.
According to Bible and Quran, Adam was created by God from nothingness! (or from something!).However, God also created another body (or soul) from Adam; Eve, the first woman.
Eve is in fact Adam himself. This is “Eve Adamasmi”. And Adam in turn has his source in God. This is “Adam Godasmi.”. Each of the man born after Adam is either Aham Adamasmi or Aham Godasmi(Aham Brahmasmi).
If one Adam could split (or made to split) into two as male and female by the will of God, (Lord Shiva is also said to be half male and half female- androgynous), is it difficult for the same God to split into several parts as reincarnations or projected beings (creations)? Are we not all Allah’s reincarnations in spirit? Aham Brahmasmi?

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